Category Archives: Muslim Attack

Did the Balfour Declaration cause the U.S. to enter World War I and precipitate World War II?

Did the Balfour Declaration cause the U.S. to enter World War I and precipitate World War II?  Thomas Jefferson Pimped by MC Ill Lee Jest explores this subject.  The full text is available at and is available for download for Kindle, iPad, and other tablet readers.

Fat said that the pale Jews are Ashkenazi.  Despite their constantly pointing and screaming “anti-Semite” at anyone, who does not march to their tune, they are not Semites.  They are Caucasoid primarily Turkish, Mongol (Hun) and Finn (Viking), descendants of the Khazarian Empire as outlined by Arthur Koestler in his book The Thirteenth Tribe-The Khazar Empirte and Its Heritage.

The Khazarian court around 750 AD converted to Judaism as a political move to preserve its independence from the powerful Orthodox Christian Byzantine and Moslem Empires.  It is thought that the Khazars were the remnants of the hordes of Attila that settled between the Black and the Caspian seas, one of the last habitats of the Neanderthals as Michael Bradley pointed out.  He also pointed out that the Khazars were disliked because of their predatory attitude and history of slave raiding and not because of any anti-Semitism.

The Khazarian court wanted to civilize these blood eating, phallic worshiping barbarians and contracted rabbis to enter the country to teach the Talmud.  These treacherous, blood-eating barbarians in effect became Talmudic Jews, pleased to accept the part of the Talmud that confirmed their treachery.  The barbarians especially liked Yom Kippur eve, when they could chant the Kol Neidrei and declare all contracts hocus pocus gone.  How about that, a sacred trick; nothing could be better for a treacherous barbarian.

Russia became Christian and teamed up with the Byzantium Empire in order to attack and free itself from the hated Khazars.  The crushed Khazar Jews fled and primarily ended up in Eastern Europe.  The Golden Hordes of Genghis Khan further laid waist to the area.

The militant barbaric legacy of displaced Khazar Jews formed the spear point of Zionism as they conspired to treacherously claim an Empire, ancient Israel, to replace the lost empire, Khazaria.  They hated Christian Russia, thought to be responsible for destroying their empire and dispersing them.

It was thought that displaced Khazar Jews formed the spear-point of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia that resulted in millions of Christians to be murdered.  Also in 1917 the displaced Khazar Zionists conned England to promise Palestine to them in the infamous Balfour Declaration that reads as follows, quote:

Foreign Office

November 2nd, 1917

Dear Lord Rothschild,

Il have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty’s Government, the following declarations of sympathy with the Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.

His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.

I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.

Yours sincerely,

Arthur James Balfour

End quote.  Again, who are the Jewish people that would propagate such a vile conspiracy?  Flash!  An explanation came from Benjamin Freedman.  He can tell it like it is, as he did in a speech in 1961.  In part he said the following:

Since England was considering surrender to the Germans in 1916, the Zionist intervened and offered to get the Americans into the war as an ally, if the Zionists were given Palestine after the defeat of Germany, and the Austrian-Hungary, Turkey alliance.

The Americans, influenced by the Jews, were pro-German at this point.  The Jews, who were the bankers and who controlled the mass communication media, had sided with the Germans against the Czar an old enemy of the Zionist.  Since the Jews saw the chance of getting Palestine they switched and asked Justice Brandeis to persuade President Wilson to come into the war as an ally to England.

After the Americans got into the war, the Zionists demanded a receipt to insure that they were going to get Palestine after the defeat of Germany.  The receipt came in the form of the Balfour Declaration.

At the 1919 Paris Peace Conference, a delegation of 117 Jews headed by Bernard Baruch produced the Balfour Declaration.  The Germans then realized that they suffered defeat and dire reparations because of the Zionists conspiracy to get Palestine.

The Germans realized that it was a double cross of the first order because the Jews were treated well in Germany.  Mr. Rathenau was 100 times more important in industry and finance in Germany as Benard Baruch was in America.  Mr. Balim owned two big steamships, the North German Lloyd’s and the Hamburg-American lines.   Mr. Bleichroder was the banker for the Hohenenzollern family.  The Warburgs in Hamburg was the biggest merchant banker in the world.  The Germans provided Refuge after the Failed Communist Revolution of 1905 when the Jews had to scramble out of Russia.

The Germans started to retaliate politically against the Jews who numbered 460,000.  The Germans totaled 80 to 90 million.  The Jews controlled most of the economy, and the press because they had come into Germany after devaluation of the Mark with cheap money (note W.E.B. Du Bois made a similar observation after the Civil War.  Rolling Stone reported that Goldman Sachs engineered every market manipulation and is involved in every bubble and burst pattern from the great depression to the dot com and housing collapse.  CEO Lloyd Blankfein said Goldman Sachs was doing God’s work? –Is that unrestrained criminal capitalism terminally devastating the economy enriching only the Demon Shrewd?-).

When the Germans refused to call off the political retaliation against the Jews, Mr. Untermeyer, president of the World Conference of Jews in Amsterdam in 1933, declared a Holy War (note Holy Wars are dangerous and Osama Bin Laden has declared one against the U.S.) against the Germans on ABC radio.  He proposed a worldwide boycott meant to starve the Germans out since they were dependent on their export business.

The boycott was effective.  Then a Polish Jew walked into their Paris embassy and shot a German official.  The Germans blamed the defeat in World War I, the severe reparations and the effective worldwide boycott on the Jews.  It was inevitable that there was going to be a show down which turned out to be World War II and its atrocities.

America was spending 83 to 84 billion dollars on defense against 40,000 Jews that took over Russia, and who conspire to take over many governments of the world.  The Zionist and their co-religionists everywhere are determined to use the United States to help them permanently retain Palestine as their foothold for world government.

The Eastern European Jews who form 93 percent of the world population who call themselves Jews were originally Khazars.  They were a warlike tribe that was driven out of Asia into Eastern Europe.  The Khazars Empire Covered 800,000 square miles and could field 40,000 solders of fortune to loan to other monarchs who wanted to go to war.

These Mongoloid Tuko-Finns were such filthy phallic worshippers that the king, disgusted at their degeneracy decided as a remedy to adopt a so called monotheistic faith known today as Judaism, really Talmudism.  The Christian were so silly that they used their prestige and power to repatriate these God’s chosen people to their ancestral Promised Land that they were never promised, that their ancestors were never in, nor were they chosen by God or any one.

There could not be a bigger bloody lie than that.  On the Day of Atonement they can recite the Kol Nidre and enter an agreement with God that any oath, vow or pledge during the next twelve months shall be null and void.

The Pollacks, Litvacks and Litzianers were not Jews, they were eastern Europeans converted to Talmudism.  Of course they are not Semites.  They are Turkotheran Mongoloids.

When Sir James A. Malcolm on behalf of the British Cabinet negotiated the Balfour Agreement with the Zionists there was not a single Jew in England or France that was for it except for Rothschild because of the oil in the region and the Suez Canal.  The Jews were driven out of England by Edward the first in 1285 because of problems with usury.  They did not come back until the Cromwell Revolution financed by the Rothschilds.

These Asiatic Mongols are ruthless.  They took over Russia and mowed down the Czar when he had already abdicated and agreed to a constitutional monarchy.

The United Nations fifteen times have called upon the Zionist occupiers to allow the Palestinians to return to their homes.  Must the United States go to war to help crooks hold on to what they stole from innocent people?  Must the United States go to war because the Democratic Party wants the electrical vote in New York or the Pennsylvania electoral vote, the balance of power of which is controlled by the Zionists and their co-religionists?

This is how Benjamin Freedman explained the Balfour Declaration.  He can tell it like it is because he operated at the highest level of Jewish organizations.  He broke with organized Jewry after the Judeo-Communist victory of 1945 and set about to expose the schemes of organized Zionism and its ability to get the United States to go to war in behalf of the conspiracies of Zionism.

These are the same Talmudists who treacherously blasphemed as they co-opted God to grisly destroy and reduce the Blacks, who were the fountainhead of civilization, into a commodity.  The United States must be objective in realizing that they will be totally undermined and terminally exhausted fighting in behalf of the Zionists who have a sacred pact with treachery.  We were fortunate in World War I and World War II.  We may not be so fortunate in World war III, because it may very well be the United States and the Zionists against the world.

This same Oligarchy as ruthless traders on Wall Street cavalierly will bring down the Nation’s economy for their next bonus.   Risky Derivatives based on a mathematical Gaussian (bell curve) Copula Function (behavior of multiple variable) created by David X. Li allows Credit Default Swaps that are JUNK to be bundled together and without actual historical data magically become AAA rated.  Goldman Sachs made vast fortunes betting millions against their clients, short-selling intentionally risky stacked Mortgage-Backed products (especially collectivized debt obligations) as they imploded in 2008.

This Oligarchy as war profiteers speculate in Halliburton stock falling and rising, amasses vast fortunes risking the Nation’s blood and treasure controlling the Bush and Obama Administrations to engage in war.  The Nation needs reminding that the Moneyed Oligarchy instigated the Bush Administration to violate the Nuremberg Agreement, to imitate the Nazi blitzkrieg. Rumsfeld’s “shock and awe” preemptive attack on Iraq had the effect of a high tech trillion-dollar bomb falling down a blood hole to stifle itself.  Noam Chomsky reminded us, “The wording of the Nuremberg Judgment, trying the Nazi foreign Minister, von Ribbentrop, who was accused and HANGED in fact for such crimes as preparing the diplomatic background for Hitler’s PREEMPTIVE strike against Norway,…”

Osama Bin Laden possibly has already precipitated World War III that has no front and renders military superiority illusionary.  Bin Laden called for a Holy War against the ECONOMY of the United States much like the Jews when they called for a Holy War against the German economy before World II.

Blacks actually find this task distasteful, because they would like to have any one as an ally. But tell it like it is, unfortunately, the Blacks are hated and have no ally.  Never the less, the holocaust against the European Jews was so profane, egregious and brutal that it can not be explained as merely retaliation.  The European Jews were highly educated and they were equipped to document the Holocaust.  This allows the Holocaust to be examined and given a full autopsy.  It may very well serve as a grisly anatomy lesson for ethnic cleansing in the extreme and it reveals a parallel world with the United States and the criminal genocidal Holocaust against the Blacks and Native Americans.

The full text is available at and is available for download for Kindle, iPad, and other tablet readers.

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Filed under Ancient Biblical Text, Balfour Declaration, Biblical Text, Canaan, Eugenicists, Eugenics, Genocide, iPad, Kindle, Muslim Attack, street novel, The St. Louis American, The St. Louis American Newspaper, The Stolen Legacy, The Ten Commandments, Uncategorized, urban novel, World War I, World War II, Zionism

Was the 9/11 Attack Known in Advance by MOSSAD?

Was the 9/11 Attack known in Advance by MOSSAD?  Thomas Jefferson Pimped explores this subject.  The following excerpt from the book sheds light on this issue.  The full text is available at

An aperture through which to view a solution to the conundrum is the glaring gap observation that the Japanese also are not included in the Holocaust.  Swarthy Japanese would be included, however, on the Eugenicists list of the unworthy that Americans have been programmed to adopt.   Leo Szilard, a scientist instrumental in developing the Atomic Bomb argued the following: “If the Germans had dropped the atomic bomb on cities instead of us, we would have defined the dropping of the atomic bombs as a war crime, and we would have sentenced the Germans who were guilty of this crime to death at Nuremberg and hanged them.”

General Eisenhower in 1945 advised the Secretary of War that the dropping of atomic weapons on Japan was unnecessary.  General Douglass MacArthur, the highest-ranking officer in the Pacific Theatre, was not consulted but thought the dropping of the Atomic Bomb was completely unnecessary.  The highest-ranking officers: Chief of Staff to the President, Fleet Admiral William Leahy; Commander of the Air Force in the Pacific, General Carl Spantz; Major General Curtis LeMay; Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Ernest King; and Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet, Admiral Chester W. Nimitz expressed similar opinions.

The U. S. Strategic Bombing Survey concluded that Japan would have surrendered by December 1945 even if no Atomic Bomb was dropped.  Russia had not entered the war; no invasion was planned or completed.  In fact the United States dropped the Atomic Bomb on uninvolved Japanese civilians because the U.S. CAPITALISTS thought this atomic Genocidal Blast display would justify spending over 2 billion dollars on the Manhattan Project, and demonstrate U.S. capabilities to scare the Soviet Union COMMUNISTS.  This is a predictable mindset for the Eugenicist trained American who were gleeful that it can nuke dark people and scare communists.  At any rate, cavalierly dropping the Atomic Bomb on Japanese civilians is a Genocidal Holocaust of the first order.

Truman demonstrated his uncouth bucolic semi-literacy that the Americans adore by scribbling the genocidal scenario of dropping the Atomic Bomb on noncombatants in a curt handwritten note that read in part: “I then suggested that after that experimental test of the fission of the atom, that we give Japan a chance to surrender.  That plan was followed.   Japan refused to surrender and the bomb was dropped on two targets after which event the surrender took place.” Missouri Bad Man Truman only had TWO Atomic Bombs.

German-Jewish physicists were expelled from Germany and ended up in the United States.  They feared and hated the German Nazis and conspired to convince the U.S. to start the Manhattan Project to counter a scuttlebutt phantom Nazi Bomb.  Phantom Nazi Bomb actually became a Chutzpah Bomb that Americans possessed.  Of course the Americans dropped no Atomic Bomb on Nazi Nordics, however, the unfortunate Asians qualified for the Genocidal Experiment.

The Jewish physicists that formed the Manhattan Project were correct in observing that the Atomic Bomb potentially was a Nazi Bomb but apparently preferred to also give it the quality of a doomsday boomeranging bomb.  The trigger was given to the Missouri Bad Man, Truman, who, in the tradition of the Missouri Bad Man, Jessie James, was roaming wild on the Second Civil War Trail.  Truman as cavalier as Von Richthofen performed a genocidal Guenica type atrocity on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on an E=MC square Einstein geometrically imploded warp trip.

The Atomic Bomb brings presidential power (focused by New Slavery Woodrow Wilson, Missouri Bad Man Truman and the Ruthless Eisenhower [toppled Iran, Guatemala, Congo’s Lumumba and the Dominican Republic]) into scrutiny.  The President (secretly unrestrained by the Constitution or by Congress) is the Big Bad War “COMMANDER IN CHIEF”.  The trigger to the Atomic Bomb circumvents regular military protocol and follows secret covert infrastructure set up during the Manhattan Project that surfaced during Watergate, Iran-Contra and the bombing of Cambodia. The War Profiteer Cheney, who approved torture, had the trigger during the 9/11 crises.  Crazy Cheney did not bother to inform President Bush who was distracted reading “My Pet Goat” to second graders.

The Hiroshima and Nagasaki horror is first and foremost on the Holocaust list of atrocities and destroys any dissimulating claim of a just war forever.  The Americans have been performing a paranoid scramble since the Hiroshima and Nagasaki horror to keep the Atomic Bomb exclusive because they fear that chickens come home to roost, a boomerang that boomerangs forever.  The horror may very well be the beginning of a Holocaust that will eventually destroy everyone.

I was so puzzled that I thought I should get the perspective of Fat Wallie, a Black Conservative Jew and Zionist. I asked him why the Jews claim that the Holocaust was exclusively a Jewish Holocaust.  Fat could not solve the conundrum but did have an observation.  He thought the Jews are conditioned through myth, early religious training, and ethnic isolation to think of every thing with a myopic view.  He agreed that the Holocaust was a system of extermination and robbing the bottom layer, one at a time from the bottom Black to the top White.  Each layer thinks they can option in until they are optioned out.  Inhumanity to anyone, Black, semi-Black, semi-White, or semi-anything is inhumanity to everyone and must be opposed because it may be the inevitable Holocaust that is cast to include everyone.

Fat thought that the key was that the Zionists optioned in the guilt that the Americans felt about the Holocaust during WWII into   skewed American support for Israel.  The Zionists now have a base in Israel that is backed by the most powerful country in the world, the United States.  Zionism has evolved into a fervent quest for hegemony in the Middle East through U.S. tax dollar support in the trillions that has contributed to the trillions ballooning U.S. debt.

An aperture that provided a read out of the Zionists quest for hegemony was provided by the career of Ilan Ramon, one F-16 pilot who bombed Iraq’s nuclear facility in June 1981 and one of the Columbia Astronauts February 2003.  France had built a nuclear plant for the Israelis who had not signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty and were not subjected to inspection.  The Israelis wanted to be the only nuclear power in the region, and executed a preemptive attack on Iraq’s nearly completed nuclear facility. Israeli Ramon, US Astronaut, was propaganda showing the US was complicit in the Israeli’s preemptive bombing of Iraq.

Osama Bin Laden and Al Quaeda attacked the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, believing they were attacking the Zionist owned financial and economic center, and the control center of the military.  Amiri Baraka asserted that Israeli Mossad- SHABAK knew in advance about the 9/11 attacks and warned Sharon, the Israeli occupants of the Twin Towers as well as the American, English, German and Russian Intelligence Agencies.  Defending his poem in which he alluded to these allegations, he said he only had allegiance to truth and beauty as Keats and Du Bois had said.

Herzliyya Israeli International Policy Institute Counter Terrorism story entitled “Black Tuesday the Worlds Largest Insider Trading Scam” said concerning the 9/11 attacks that between September 6-7 the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) saw purchases of 4744 Put Options (bets predicting stock price will fall) on United Airlines (UAL)…these “insider” trading would have profited about $5 million.  On 10 September the CBOE saw 4516 Put Options on American Airlines (AA)…these “insider” trading would have profited about $4 million. UAL and AA were airlines involved in the 9/11 attacks.

It was alleged that many of the transactions were handled by a Deutsche Bank-A.B. Brown Firm chaired until 1998 by “Buzzy” Kronguard who later became executive Director of the CIA.  The FBI, SEC, DOJ in the US and Investigative Agencies in Japan, Germany, U.K., France, Luxemburg, Hong Kong and Spain are treating the “insider” prior 9/11 trading as State Secretes.

The 9/11 attacks were a graphic terror move against the United States for support of Israel against the Palestinians.  The Zionists, through control of the mass media and pressure in influential positions in the Administration, hijacked the retaliatory war against the terrorists that were threatening America and turned it into a war against terrorists that were threatening Israel, i.e. Hezbollah, Hamas, Saddam Hussein, the Palestinians, Syria, Iran, Libya, and Iraq.

Proof of this hijacking of the 9-11 retaliatory initiative by the Zionists was action against Osama Bin Laden was suspended and the United States became involved in a proxy war against Iraq who had no connection with 9/11.  Flash! Ilan Ramon who led an Israeli F-16 preemptive raid against Iraq’s nuclear facility in 1981 was selected as one of the U.S. Astronauts and was sent into space aboard Columbia in 2003 that disintegrated upon return.

In Officer Training School, analysis of the space program showed it had little actual benefit except as a tool for propaganda.  This was terminally expensive Zionist propaganda against Iraq that served no purpose except to bring into focus that America should take back its foreign policy initiatives from the Zionists who are irrationally bent on world domination and don’t mind sending the U.S. into oblivion to achieve this purpose.  This dumb propaganda was not worth expenditures of human life.  Nevertheless, Zionists who had influence with policy makers in the U.S. Administration had no qualms about spending an estimated $500 million of tax payers money on this tragic Zionist propaganda launch that was well known in advance to be an untenable risk to the lives of the astronauts.  The Columbia disaster well illustrates what happens when the U.S. travels with Zionists as they scheme to climb on top.

Mossad has been active in covert operations to undermine Iraq’s nuclear program since 1979 by blowing up reactor parts being constructed in France.  A Mossad team was said to have murdered Professor Yahia El-Meshad who was found dead in his Paris apartment.  He was a leading physicist who had agreed to work for Iraq.

A Mossad agent was said to have placed a homing devise for the 1981 F-16 raid against the nuclear reactor.  Mossad was also linked to the murder of other top scientists who were assisting Arab States with weapons of mass destruction including Allen Kreiger (who was found dead in the trunk of his car in Johannesburg) and the famous Dr. Gerald Bull (who was known as the Iraqi Supergun).

The United States has taken over for Mossad and the Zionists for super stupid reasons.  Although Saddam Hussein was a creation of the CIA, an insult to the Sunni Muslims was issued on the dawn of Islam’s holy feast of Eid al-Adha 2006 when a Ku Klux Klan style retaliatory lynching of Israel’s sworn enemy was conducted, where reportedly Saddam’s last words were, “God is great!  The nation will be victorious and Palestine is Arab.” revealing the real reason for the pornographic display put on by the American occupation.

Traditionally when Kings were deposed they were exiled as was Moses-Akhenaton banished into the Sinai.  The Zionists followed a new tradition as indicated in the Torah in Deuteronomy as it stated, “…He shall deliver their King into thine hand and thou shalt destroy their name from under heaven, there shall no man be able to stand before thee until thou shall destroy them…Every place where the soles of your feet shall tread shall he yours…Of the cities of these people, which the Lord thy God doth give to you for an inheritance, thou shall save nothing alive that breatheth…”

Douglass Reed pointed out that the Zionist associated themselves with Revolutions such as (1) financing Cromwell’s revolution that, following Deuteronomy, resulted in the unheard of beheading of Charles I in 1649 and the return of the Jews to England; (2) the French Revolution where, again following Deuteronomy, Louis XVI was beheaded in 1793 and the Jews emancipated (Sir Walter Scott wrote, “the Sanhedrin of the Jacobins was of course, for blood.”); and (3) the Russian Revolution where Czar Nicholas II and his entire family were brutally executed by the Bolsheviks.  The Russian Revolution with its Bolshevik plan was continuously in character with Deuteronomy and Talmudic retribution and total destruction of up to 60 million souls.

Sigmund Freud identifies and points out that animosity among the host people against the Jews was their highhanded declaration that they were the first and favorite of God the Father, the Chosen People.  They survived by keeping aloof and developing a militant aggressive character, changing the peaceful Mosaic God of the Pharaoh Akhenaton and taking over the worship of a god Jahve of the Arabic tribe of the Midianites, a demon mountain volcano god of war.

Sigismund Schlomo Freud an Ashkenazi Jew was humiliated and embarrassed by the worship of Yahweh-Jehovah that differed little from the Baalim worship of neighboring tribes. He distorted this by proclaiming that self-confidence gleaned from the concept of Chosen People contributed to the tribe’s survival.  The formidable Dr. Freud apparently ignored the fact that the host groups such as the Hellenistic culture survived, as did the Nile, Babylonian-Persian cultures although they are now menaced by the Israeli Zionists.  Dr. Freud was frantically searching for a rationale or an excusable way out of a psychotic tribal gang’s schemes to climb onto the top layer as the Chosen Race.  There is no excuse even within Psychoanalyst’s thought structures because they inevitably climb over the top of millions of rotting corpses of the non-Chosen as well as the Chosen.

The Nordic hater or the Jewish hater that think they should be on top and the Blacks should be on the bottom have to resolve the fact that the Blacks were civilized thousands of years while the Nordics and Semites were savages.  These Haters have a problem with the Blacks as it sticks in their caw that the Blacks are the fountainhead of civilization.  The Haters have big Capitalist investments in bloody murderous lying on the Africans and stealing their Legacy citing pretentious prevaricating hypocritical religious text.

The Talmudic pretender to Moses’ monotheism treacherously blasphemed as they lied and said God made it sacred to terminally condemn Blacks to the status of a commodity.  What were the last throes of African influence before its total decline?

The Europeans became bold, warlike and extremely aggressive fueled by the Macedonians and then the Romans.  They conquered the known world using terror as their central tactic.  If a city-state resisted and was defeated, the citizens were subjected to extreme atrocities.  That means that crucifixion would be humane along side of the tortures that the Europeans performed against the resisters.

At a point the Europeans felt that if they were going to dominate the world, the Africans must be rendered null and void.  It was intentionally reasoned that African origins must be obfuscated or it would put Hellenistic and Roman culture in an awkwardly skewed secondary position, unsuitable for a conqueror.  Trade competition and military incursions sealed the Africans fate.

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Filed under 9/11 Attack, Ancient Biblical Text, Ancient Egypt, Biblical Text, Canaan, Carthage, Caucasus Mountains, Chris King, Dred Scott decsion, Kabballah, Muslim Attack, Sally Hemmings, street novel, The St. Louis American, The St. Louis American Newspaper, The Stolen Legacy, The Ten Commandments, Thomas Jefferson, Uncategorized, urban novel